by Jan Fielden

The most amusing sights on the Red Oak are things that the calves do. They are just like young children who play with abandon and seem to have more energy each and every day. The other day I noticed a string of calves of all sizes around the fence that encloses the yard. There were eight of them and they had divided into two groups. There was a nice separation between each group of four and the second group of four had a space between their group and the first group.

As I watched, the first group between to pick up a little speed, not running, just walking fast. When the second group got to the same approximate place the first group had started walking fast, they did the same thing. Then, the first group started trotting and again the second group did the same when they got almost to the same place. Finally, the first group started running, kicking up their heels, jumping up, all kinds of acrobatics. One of the Mommas watched this scene as if she were thinking what will those kids think of next? The second group came to the appointed spot and started running, kicking up their heels, jumping up and all kinds of acrobatics. Then just as suddenly as this “dance recital” had started it ended and the calves went to find their Mommas. After that they all laid down as if they had used up all their energy. But I knew they certainly hadn’t and would be up and about in a little while.

It is never dull, always fun and exciting watching the antics of the animals that live on the Red Oak Ranch.