by Jan Fielden

The Hummingbirds are still here! They came in late and I guess to make up for that, they are staying late. It doesn’t matter, I am happy for them to be around. The cool nights made me decide to put on the heated mattress cover…however, I decided maybe I should wait just a while longer. It gets cool at night but warms up in the day time and that changed my mind. We put some blankets out on the back porch for our Beagles, MO and Tasha. MO immediately figured out what the blanket was for and made it his bed at night time even though they have a perfectly good, solid house to stay in. It took Tasha a little longer. She loves to lay in the sun warming herself. She does that even when it is the middle of Summer. The cows and the deer seem not to notice the cooler nights.

I hope the snakes have taken off for a warmer climate, but something tells me they are perfectly happy to stay here. We were told a while back that the hill the house sits on is known as “Copperhead Hill”. I hope he was just pulling our legs but just the same he might not be!

Reminding myself that each season has something that makes it lovely and special, I try not to get too involved in deciding which season I like best. Some, though, are harder than others to do that. The Red Oak Ranch always has something to display in any season that is beautiful and appreciated.