Dear Editor,
Two weeks ago my Letter to the Editor in these pages pondered a hypothetical question wherein the current White House crew and selected other liberals would choose immediate retirement with full pensions and personal safety assured in favor of a provisional government, with support of the military, with free elections within 90 days, etc. The question was and remains: “would you support such an administration?” A close friend and fellow conservative said no, citing a fear that doing so would open Pandora’s Box for future abuses. This Letter is my rebuttal to his fear. Pandora’s Box is already opened.
Honest Americans can disagree without becoming disagreeable, a virtue our woke enemies disdain. This is why their policy and practice of shouting down opposing viewpoints and labeling patriots as racists and fascists enjoys widespread support from leftist media and academics.
I have never been interested in oriental martial arts whereby an enemy’s strength is used against him. “Progressives” do this every day in print, TV, movies, social media, etc. Their enemy is the traditional American way of life. I prefer reliable autoloaders and revolvers. No 18th century statesman can be held to have been inspired to draft the perfect blueprint for perfect governance, not even James Madison who almost single-handedly wrote the U.S. Constitution. It was not perfect, but it’s as close to that as humanly possible [see all amendments]. The republic which it birthed and which we still mostly enjoy 240 years later has seen an erosion and infection of the truths and values most of us recognize. Leftist socialists and the liberal “elite” subvert – or try to subvert – the constitution, describing it as “quaint”, no longer applicable to today, using its implied powers. No such thing exists. Madison never wrote may when he meant shall. U.S. law is based on the constitution, and it means precisely what it says.
The fact that liberal corrupting of the law so that it means what they want it to, means that playing by the rules today ensures conservative defeat and the ruination of history’s greatest success story of representative republican governance that America represents.
It was a knowledge of history and some understanding of human nature that compelled my Letter two weeks ago. I will not “die by the rules” of twisted laws if by resisting them if I can help save our country from misguided political hacks. The tragic fact is that senior “progressive” democrats are not misguided; they are acutely aware of the truth that their policies and programs are unworkable, unsustainable, unaffordable, and inherently un-American. The hypothetical question becomes less and less hypothetical every passing day these politicians abuse the American people . . . by the rules. Gangrene cannot be treated with political platitudes; it must be surgically removed if the patient is to survive. We are the patient.
God bless America.
El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas