Dear Editor,

Joseph Goebbels, Ph.D., was the brilliant but misguided mastermind of the disinformation that passed for actual news in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and until the war ended his life in 1945. Single-handedly he filtered every aspect of current events in those times in order to fix in the public mind the false, fascist ideology that his government preached. That ideology was utterly discredited with the Nazi surrender. His methodology is alive and thriving today in the United States but with a different message: slant the news, edit the facts, and twist the truth in TV, newspapers, social media, and college campuses.

Tune in to almost any channel, read almost any newspaper, listen to network newscasters, and hear/see/read the same message: Israel is conducting genocide on the poor Palestinian populace. Daily pics of refugee camps (often Hamas safe houses), see blown-up civilian bodies of women and children, hospitals destroyed, etc. They look horrific. But, never do we see footage of the butchered civilians slaughtered by Hamas when they invaded Israel last October, deliberately murdering scores of civilians and taking hostages, many of whom have since died in Hamas captivity. Hamas has done this, not the innocent Palestinians, but both now occupy the city of Rafah. The total conquest of the terrorists can only be accomplished by aggressive war. War, even a just war, has collateral damage with civilians. The alternative for Israelis is surrender to “world public opinion” and give the terrorists a future opportunity to attack them again (which they have publicly sworn to do!). Sensibly, suicidal surrender is not a viable alternative to this war.

Last Friday the International Court of Justice (the ultimate oxymoron) of the United Nations ( a seriously anti-American body) “ordered” Israel to halt military operations in Gaza. . . . fat chance! The U.S.A funds almost 25% of the total costs to maintain this cancer called United Nations!

The B.S we are fed daily instead of factual news is the responsibility of the ultra-left, radical, anti-American poison propaganda spewed by media, academe, socialists, woke idiots, vacuous social media gurus, and willfully blind useful idiots who serve . . . God knows what?

Again, I pray for the victory of Israeli arms and for our own endangered country.

God bless America!


El Sellers

Fairfield, Texas