This program will take place Tuesday, January 21st at the Anderson County Annex which is located at 703 North Mallard Street Palestine, Texas. We ask if you plan on attending to RSVP by Monday, January 20th by 10:00 a.m. in order to help determine a meal count. Registration will start at 5:00 p.m., meal will begin at 5:45 p.m. and the program will begin at 6:15 p.m. and should conclude around 8:15 p.m. ONE CEU WILL BE OFFERED, which will be ONE HOUR IN GENERAL. Bull Selection, as well as Soil Fertility on Pesticide Performance are vital to forage and cattle production, and we encourage you to attend this educational program. Dr. Jason Banta, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Beef Specialist located at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Center in Overton, Tx as well as Dr. Vanessa Olson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Forage Specialist who is also located in Overton, Tx will be the speakers for this program. There will be no charge for this program. To register, please contact the Anderson County Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office by calling (903)723-3735.

Bull Selection is a key investment for a cattle producer’s herd, and there are several different factors that we need to consider when deciding upon which bull is best suited for your operation. Breed type, individual performance data, pedigree and visual appraisal are some of the items to consider when purchasing a bull. For example, it is important to avoid bulls with an unknown background because half of the genetics from your herd comes from the female, and the other half comes from your bull. This presentation will cover much of the topics mentioned above on Bull Selection and much more.

Soil Fertility on Pesticide Performance will also be covered, which are important factors in pasture management. It is important to be mindful of our soil. While animals and plants show obvious signs of stress in the form of physical symptoms, we have to take a closer look at our soil and monitor to achieve good health. Soil provides the support or foundation for plants as well as most of the nutrients. Soil testing is truly important and helps take the guess work out of what is needed for soil to grow forage at a more optimum opportunity. This presentation will cover much of the topics mentioned above as well as much more important information to forage production.
This program is sponsored by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Anderson County Farm Bureau, El Dorado Chemical Company, Heritage Land Bank, Colony Ranch Supply and United Country- Staples Property Group.