Determining the Command Structure for a simulated disaster exercise (above) is Freestone County Sheriff Jeremy Shipley and Fairfield Police Chief Kenny Bulger.
“Chaos happens,” states HOTCOG Homeland Security Manager, Harold Ferguson.
“The question is, how quickly can you get together to start managing the situation.”
Ferguson led a Tabletop Exercise in Freestone County on Thursday, October 19, 2017.
Also assisting was Emergency Preparedness Manager Boyce Wilson.
The exercise emphasized two goals, when dealing with a disaster:
1) setting up a Command Center to coordinate the response, and
2) proper resource allocation by Emergency Management.
When done properly, setting up the behind-the-scenes leadership ensures that needs are communicated and vital resources sent to the proper locations, as emergency personnel respond on the scene.
Emergency responders from all over the county attend, including City of Teague (at left), represented by City Administrator Theresa Prasil, Alderwomen Marilyn Michaud, Interim Police Chief Dewayne Philpott, and Teague VFD Fire Chief Jody Bodine.
Documentation of the disaster response, while not critical during the event, is extremely vital in securing financial assistance during recovery.
“Disasters have been known to bankrupt small towns,” state Wilson.
About thirty people were in attendance, representing law enforcement, fire departments, EMS, county officials. and municipalities.
The event was hosted at the Fairfield Civic Center. Lunch was provided by Bush’s Chicken.
Freestone County residents are encouraged to sign up for Emergency Notifications on their digital devices, to receive calls, texts, and/or emails, in the event of a emergency.
For more information, visit online at
(Photos by Karen Leidy)