Sometimes when these types of situations occur to you or a friend, usually you’re not informed about the Appendix FM Rules and that makes it even harder for you to defend yourself talking with laws.
A major accident involving a fatality happened shortly after a minor accident, both with the same man causing them , many were affected by the collateral damage, if you are one of many or you had a similar experience contact a motorcycle injury lawyer near you.
According to a personal injury lawyer dallas Ross was allegedly running from the Palestine Police Department on Tuesday, October 8th, 2019.
He reportedly rammed his car into the side of an 18-wheeler intentionally.
Shortly thereafter he fled the scene of the accident, and ended up in Freestone County where he hit another 18-wheeler causing a three car accident according to reports, the personal injury law lawyer is taking care of the case. Ross did not survive.
Allegedly, Ross was aware his parole was to be revoked the next day for his aggravated assault charge. The other drivers in each 18 wheeler had to get legal help from this auto accident lawyer who would recommend to firstly go over and get an attorney that’s a professional exclusively in personal injury law.
Butler Fire Department and Dew Fire Department worked the scene for four and a half hours according to an eye witness who held back onto details since he still a little traumatized by the incident, for cases like these it is necessary to contact a forensic psychologists.
Cоntасt an auto accident attorney. If уоur tісkеt wаѕ for a реttу, оr non-jailable offense, many law firm services advise mоѕt реорlе wіth trаffіс tickets to contact a professional to find out if a lawyer is needed or not.
If you miss this deadline without a legally sufficient excuse, even if it is by only one day, then the court will dismiss your case, and you will miss out on receiving any compensation for your injuries, we recommend getting further information with a personal injury attorney.

(Submitted Photos)