General Election Day will be here in just over three months from now, Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

It is a Presidential Election year, which tends to bring about a higher voter turn-out.

Poll locations will be crowded with voters selecting national, state and county positions.

The Primary Runoff Elections, held last month, solidified the candidates that will appear on the ballot for the Republican and Democratic parties.

However, prospective candidates have one more opportunity to file for national, state and county positions.

Write-In Candidates

Declaration of Write-In Candidacy forms will be accepted beginning July 20, 2024, through 5:00 p.m. on August 19, 2024.

Those declaring for a national or state position will typically file with Texas Secretary of State office. For county positions, such a declaration must be filed with the County Judge.

Declarations must be accompanied by either a filing fee, or a nominating petition signed by a certain number of qualified voters.

If filing a petition, state-wide offices require 5,000 voter signatures. District, county, or precinct positions require 500 signatures, or 2% of voters (as counted in the most recent gubernatorial general election).

A new law, effective September 1, 2023, states that candidates for certain judicial offices must provide additional information with their judicial declaration of write-in candidacy. This form may be found at the website listed below.

It is important to note that a person who was a candidate for office in the Primary Election is ineligible for a place on the list of write-in candidates for that same office in the succeeding general election.

Additional information about the process for becoming a write-in candidate may be found online at

Local Elections

Some voters could also see elections on their ballot for Dew ISD Board of Trustees and Fairfield Hospital District’s Board of Directors, as both entities have positions up for renewal. Whether elections have yet to be called.

Dew ISD Board of Trustees has three positions open in the upcoming election, places 3 (Monte Morris), 6 (Kim Massey), and 7 (Carl Clark).

Those interested in running for a position on the board may file an application at the Dew ISD Administration Office, located at 606 County Road 481, Teague, between July 19th and August 19th.

Fairfield Hospital District Board of Trustees has four positions open in the upcoming election.

Candidate hopefuls may file an application between July 19th and August 19th, at the Freestone Medical Center Administrative Office.

Earlier this year, The ‘Times’ was told there would potentially be a race for open positions on the Teague Hospital District’s Board, but as of press time, there has been no response as to whether there will be an election, or which positions would be open.

Interested parties may call the District’s main office at 254-739-5322. Additional information will be published as soon as it is received.

Voters Information

–Last day to register to vote is Friday, October 7, 2024.

–Mail ballot application deadline is Friday, October 25, 2024.

–Early Voting is Monday, October 21, 2024 thru Friday, November 1, 2024.