Dear Editor:


You see him nearly every day on TV. He’s OLD. He walks funny, and has trouble with stairs and ramps. He walks bent over much of the time. He does not walk with any vigor of youth; He’s old.


When he speaks, it’s cringe-worthy. One holds one’s breath, waiting for the next too-extended pause, the next wrong name attributed, the next facts scrambled, the next incoherent utterance, the next rambling random “story” about something off-topic. He’s really OLD.


He’s currently running for President against ANOTHER guy who is ALSO old; the current incumbent President, Joe Biden. Joe stepped aside this past weekend, and opened the campaign to a younger generation of vigorous ideas. After a lifetime of honorable service and devotion to making the lives of the American people better, Biden has reached the end of his political office holding. He has gracefully (if reluctantly) bowed out.


He was the OTHER old guy, and he did the right thing. He stepped aside.


Will the REMAINING ‘old guy’ realize that all the ire against Biden being “too old to run for office,” too dottering, too mentally infirm — all the derision and all the ageist backbiting, will now be focused like a laser on HIM? Will Trump realize that all the things said about Biden’s age and confusion and infirmity NOW APPLY EXCLUSIVELY TO TRUMP?


I don’t expect Trump to acknowledge this, but it will nonetheless … be TRUE. On the other hand, Trump has years of experience being a loser and a drag on his party.


Jeff Harrison

Buffalo, Texas