Jonathan Hardin Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met on October 9, 2024, at Gibbs Library in Mexia.
Regent Patti Gauntt called the regular meeting to order.
Chaplain Nancy McSwane gave the invocation which was followed by the DAR Ritual, which includes pledges to the United States and Texas flags, and recitations of the Americans Creed, and the Preamble to our Constitution.
National Defense Committee Chair Cindy Avery gave the National Defense report on our Constitution. This committee advocates a strong military defense and unwavering faithfulness to the ideals of the Founding Fathers as set forth in the U.S. Constitution.
Mrs. Gauntt recognized Registrar Diane Pullin, who recently finished the online registrar course offered by our Texas DAR Society.
She also highlighted the award certificates Jonathan Hardin Chapter received from our Texas Society, one being an award for our DAR Project Patriot Committee chaired by Honorary Regent Diana McDonald for our military support to Brooke Army Medical Center’s USO Warrior & Family Support Center in San Antonio.
Our chapter members donated VISA gift cards, which were used to distribute to soldiers and families for special events, games, participation giveaways, and specific needs.
DAR Service to Veterans Chair Beth Harrison presented our plans to once again honor our veterans in Limestone and Freestone counties with a Veterans Appreciation Luncheon on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at First United Methodist Church in Mexia.
Next, she discussed a project for area nursing home veterans in December.
DAR Service to America Chair Diane Pullin explained our DAR Day of Service in honor of our chapter’s founding on October 11, 1890.
Our chapter members generously donated LifeSavers, StarBurst, Hershey’s Kisses, Chewing Gum, Tootsie Rolls, Andes Mints, PayDays, and Snickers to be divided and delivered to Sheriff’s Departments in Limestone and Freestone counties to thank them for their protection and service to our rural area.
Minute reports were given by our standing committee chairs: American Indians (Susan Rankin); Conservation (Beverly Jones); The Flag of the United States (Dani Manning for Terri Patterson); Lineage Research (Billie Bournias); Women’s Issues (Suzann Leadbetter); and Units Overseas (Cindy Avery). These short but well researched reports keep us informed. The American Indians minutes this year are centered around those that played their own role in the Revolutionary War.
America 250! Committee Member and Honorary Regent Nancy McSwane (for Chair Kay Alston) discussed our chapter’s plan to honor Revolutionary Patriot Elder John Parker who died at Parker’s Fort in present day Limestone County on May 19, 1836, just one month after the Republic of Texas was established.
Our chapter will purchase a bronze plaque to be placed at the old fort in conjunction with celebrating the upcoming 250th anniversary of the United States.
Our chapter members are donating toward this project in honor of their own Revolutionary Patriots.

GIVING A WARM WELCOME to Gretchen Crawford, Regent of the Spring Chapter from the Woodlands is Pattie Gauntt, Regent of the Jonathan Hardin Chapter in Mexia. (Courtesy Photo)
Beth Harrison, Wreaths Across America Chair reminded us that our five ceremonies are coming up in two months, December 14, 2024.
Those cemeteries are Driver Cemetery (between Teague and Fairfield); LaSalle Cemetery (near Groesbeck); Wortham Cemetery (Wortham); New Hope Cemetery (near Lake Limestone); and Salem Cemetery (near Teague).
Regent Gretchen Crawford of Spring Creek Chapter in The Woodlands narrated a wonderful PowerPoint presentation on the USS Texas: May She Sparkle and Shine Again!
Mrs. Crawford has a love for this battleship and the many roles she played.
USS Texas had a 34-year career in the United States Navy. She earned five battle stars in Word War 2 as she fought in North Africa, Normandy, Southern France, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa, but only lost one crew member to enemy fire.
In 1948 the battleship was donated to the State of Texas to serve as a museum and memorial.
USS Texas is now at her home in Galveston Bay.
The benediction was given by Chaplain Nancy McSwane. Lunch was enjoyed afterwards at Coffee Cabaret by our guest and about twelve members.
If you are interested in learning more about Jonathan Hardin Chapter and DAR membership, please contact, or consider attending one of our chapter meetings.