The Jonathan Hardin Chapter met at the Gibbs Memorial Library in Mexia, Texas on September 11, 2019. Members and guest met early for tea, cookies, and fellowship.
The meeting was called to order by Regent Nancy McSwane. Chaplain Marsha Black opened with a prayer remembering the tragic events of this day 18 years ago. The National Defense chairman, Ann Gokey, spoke about the Military working dogs that have been honored with new forever stamps. These stamps were designed to “honor the nation’s brave and loyal canines”. The U.S. has used military working dogs alongside service men since WWI in numerous capacities such as explosives and narcotics detection, search and rescue as well as security. Their senses of smell and sight are superhuman.
Regent McSwane led members in the DAR Ritual.
Registrar, Billie Bournias inducted new members Mary Jean Alford and Jeanie Wilson. CeLindia Brown, who is 90 years young, is also a new member of our chapter. The week of September 17 through 23, DAR Chapters will celebrate Constitution Week.
Patti Posey Gauntt reflected on September 11, and what we will always remember about that tragic day. She also spoke about the memorial service and events of September 7, 2019. They were held in Teague, Texas, for US Army Sgt. Major James Gregory Ryan Sartor who died in Afganstan. A lunch was held for the family and military personal in attendance.
Parker and Emery Black, Granddaughters of Regent McSwane and Daughters of Chaplain Marsha Black spoke about their special memories of that day.
Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible for membership. For more information about joining the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR please contact Regent Nancy McSwane at 254-359-4620 or Registrar Billie Bournias at 903-389-3592.