Freestone County Volunteer Fire Departments will be receiving new trucks within the next five years.
County Commissioners held much discussion during their meetings held in the month of February and ultimately voted unanimously to purchase a rescue truck for Wortham VFD, and three (3) pumper/tanker trucks, one each for Dew, Streetman, and Teague VFDs.
Each vehicle should cost approximately $408,000.00, depending on the specific needs of each department, and one truck will be purchased per year.
The decision was made in order to lock in the price now before new emissions regulations are put into place, causing the cost of the vehicles to rise substantially. Each truck will take about a year to outfit from the time of purchase.
Fairfield VFD recently received a grant from the Forrest Department for the purchase of their new truck.
It was also decided that an old 1980s C-70 Chevy firetruck, purchased by the County for Butler VFD that is no longer in working order, will be transferred to the Teague Training Facility to be used as a prop in training exercises.
Also, during the month of February, Commissioners voted to approve the following:
–Renewal of the Tarrant Regional Water District Communication Tower Agreement in the amount of $500 per year.
–Acceptance of a $14,050.00 grant from the Department of Agriculture for the Meals on Wheels program by Senior Services.
–Grant the Discretionary Exemption in Local Government to repair a bridge on CR 971 in Precinct 4, which allows Commissioners to make certain purchases without going through the competitive bid process.
–Approval of in-car laptops for Sheriff Deputy vehicles. These should be received, installed, and going live in March.
–Accepted the bid in the amount of $1,777 from JJ Merchant for the 2012 Dump Trailer from Precinct 1.
–Accepted a donation from Calpine in the amount of $1,000 for the Freestone County Sheriff’s Department.
Of course, they also accepted and approved bill pay, minutes from January 15, 2025 meeting, payroll, reports, budget transfers and amendments, special road use agreements, contracts, permits and bonds, and education certificates.
Freestone County Commissioners are, Pct. 1 – Andy Bonner, Pct. 2 – Will McSwane, Pct. 3 – Lloyd Lane, and Pct. 4 – Clyde Ridge, Jr. and is presided over by County Judge Linda K. Grant.
They meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month, beginning at 9:00 p.m. in the County Court room on the second floor of the Courthouse.