Katie Carlson is being awarded two scholarships to sing in the Navarro College Choir for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 season. One scholarship will go towards her Tuition and Fees and the other is a book scholarship. We are extremely excited to have her join our team! 

Katie brings to us leadership experience, sight-singing ability, and of course a lovely voice. She will participate in the College Chorale and the Show Choir. 

She received her award based on her outstanding musical audition and interview. Katie looks forward to holding leadership roles in our choral program and further developing her voice and personal level of performance. Katie has a beautiful personality and energy that is welcomed and desired among all of our students. 

Thank you to her director, Mrs. Mykle Ann Wright, and parents for encouraging and supporting Katie towards achieving great things!

Submitted by Nadia Thorpe, Navarro College Choir Director.