More than $726,000 was awarded to this year’s Teague High School graduates in scholarships to various schools, colleges, and military, as well as from many community organizations and memorial funds.
The school honored their 2024 Graduates during their annual awards ceremony held Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
The program began with a welcome from Class President, Anayeli Bailon, who explained that the ceremony recognizes students who have stood out from the pack and have been rewarded for their diligence and excellence.
–Class Officers: Orange and White Cords – President Anayeli Bailon, Vice President Declan Smith, Secretary Natalie Gomez, and Treasurer E’Leyshia Roblow.
–Communities in Schools Americorps: Red, White, & Blue Cords – AnnMarie Alvarado, Christian Ayala, Katlynn Clater, Clayton Edwards, Ke’Mauri Evans, Jacob Gandara, Lilly Preat, Tylin Randle, Jehmel Rice, Conner Rushing, and Toby Tucker.

Omar Perez receives the Al Holland Award.
–Blood Drive: Red Cords – Dylan Alderman, AnnMarie Alvarado, Andres Angeles, Shaina Ashford, Christian Ayala, Anayeli Bailon, Kimberly Baranda-Antonio, Landree Bragg, Aubrey Cearley, Jennifer Contreras, Kaylee Cuevas, Adonias DeSantiago, Ana Diaz, Isai Diaz, Benjamin Dockery, Bradyn Faulk, Nathan Franklin, Jacob Gandara, Natalie Gomez, Aaron Gonzalez, Vanessa Hernandez, Christina Hinojosa, Leynie Horton, Joseph Lee, Keely Mathis, Kimberly Mora, Madelynn Mullis, Chance Noland, Annie Oakes, Angela Owens, Ayden Paxton, Christopher Payne, Omar Perez, Devin Powers, Samantha Ramirez, Korree Risken, E’Leyshia Roblow, Linsey Cate Satterwhite, Declan Smith, Reese Stacks, Sara Stark, Charla Starr, Serennity Suetos, David Villa, and Kiersten Williams.

The Massey Award for Outstanding Senior Boy goes to Declan Smith.
-Band: Black Cord – Natalie Gomez, Aaron Gonzalez, Jaylynn Lockhart, Omar Perez, E’Leyshia Roblow, Katelynn Simonds, and Jose Villa.
–Theater Production: Brown Cord – Kadence Keller
–Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA): Navy, White, & Maroon Cord – Anayeli Bailon, Keely Mathis, E’Leyshia Roblow, and Reese Stacks.

The Vanessa Stringer Award for Outstanding Senior Boy goes to Reese Stacks.
–Hispanic Honor Society: Sash and Red & Gold Cord – Vice President Declan Smith, Secretary Anayeli Bailon, Treasurer Diego Jauregui, Historian Natalie Gomez, Community Committee Christi Hinojosa. Red & Gold Cord – Kimberly Baranda-Antonio, Adonias DeSantiago, Christopher Fierro-Nava, Vanessa Hernandez, Kadence Keller, Kim Mora, Alex Perez, and Serennity Suetos.
–National Honor Society: White Collar, Blue & Gold Cord, and Bright Blue Sash – President Declan Smith, Vice President Omar Perez, Secretary Anayeli Bailon, Treasurer E’Leyshia Roblow, and Parliamentarian Natalie Gomez. Blue & Gold Cords and Bright Blue Sash – Raeanna Burns, Leynie Horton, Keely Mathis, Chance Noland, Aspyn Perry, Reese Stacks, and Serennity Suetos.

Alex Perez is the recipient of this year’s Ryan Sartor Memorial Award.
–Performance Acknowledgement: Bronze Cord – Dylan Alderman, Andres Angeles, Anayeli Bailon, Kimberly Baranda-Antonio, Garrett Barkouskie, James Barrentine, Daniel Beldin, James Bond, Landree Bragg, Jennifer Contreras, Kaylee Cuevas, Zachariah Dawson, Adonias DeSantiago, Ana Diaz, Isai Diaz, Ke’Mauri Evans, Christopher Fierro-Nava, Zain Fitzgerald, Jacob Gandara, Natalie Gomez, Rhett Hagen, Christian Hempel, Vanessa Hernandez, Christina Hinojosa, Grayson Holcomb, Leynie Horton, Ace Lee, Barrett Maggard, Keely Mathis, Kimberly Mora, Chance Noland, Joshua Owens, Alexandro Perez, Jesse Perez, Omar Perez, Aspyn Perry, Rowdy Phillips, Devin Powers, Maritza Ramirez, Tylin Randle, Hunter (Reid) Rogers, Declan Smith, Madaline Smitson, Reese Stacks, Serennity Suetos, and Brolen White.

The ‘Lion’ Award goes to E’Leyshia Roblow.
–Outstanding Achievement: White Cords – Anayeli Bailon (97.3750), Serennity Suetos (96.1163), Rowdy Phillips (95.5676), Barrett Maggard (95.00), James Bond (93.7714), Raeanna Burns (93.7059), Korree Risken (92.6857), Landree Bragg (92.2727), Christina Hinojosa (90.5556), Leynie Horton (90.4706), Kimberly Baranda-Antonio (90.4474), and Linsey Cate Satterwhite (90.0938).

Kimberly Baranda-Antonio is presented the Lana Erwin Memorial Award.
–Honor Graduates: Navy Blue Sash – Barrett Maggard (95.0), Rowdy Phillips (95.5676), Serennity Suetos (96.1163), Lilly Preat (97.3143), Anayeli Bailon (97.3750), Reese Stacks (100.2959), E’Leyshia Roblow (100.5313), Natalie Gomez (100.5768), Chance Noland (102.2923), Omar Perez (102.7566), Kelly Mathis (103.7381), Aspyn Perry (104.6384), and Declan Smith (104.9026).
–University Interscholastic League Scholar Award (Top 10%): Declan Smith, Aspyn Perry, Keely Mathis, Omar Perez, Chance Noland, Natalie Gomez, E’Leyshia Roblow, and Reese Stacks.

Natalie Gomez receives the Jolene Sledge Memorial for Principal’s Leadership Award.
–Allen 4 Heros: $1,000 Each – Korree Risken, Reese Stacks, and Linsey Cate Satterwhite
–Boggy Lodge #739 A.F. & A.M.: $500 Each – Reese Stacks and Linsey Cate Satterwhite
–Boggy Lodge #739 Jim Jorden Memorial: $500 – Rowdy Phillips
–Boggy Lodge #739 John Kevin Bell, Jr. Memorial: $1,000 – Omar Perez
–Booker T. Washington/JA Brooks Alumni: $1,000 – E’Leyshia Roblow
–Bryan ‘BT’ Thornton Memorial: $1,000 – Declan Smith

Receiving the W.D. Black Award is Leynie Horton.
–Buffalo Family Practice: $1,000 – Reese Stacks
–Case Robinson Memorial Range: $500 – Grayson Holcomb
–Citizens State Bank: $1,000 – Landree Bragg
–Cotton Gin Masonic Lodge of Kirvin #154: $500 – Vanessa Hernandez
–Dew Community Education Foundation: $750 – Vanessa Hernandez
–District 6 CTASC: $400 – Natalie Gomez

Aspyn Perry is awarded the DeKalb Award.
–Farm Mutual Insurance RVOS: $650 – Leynie Horton
–Freestone County 4-H: $3,000 Each – Annie Oakes and Rhaina Emmons & $1,500 – Grayson Holcomb
–Freestone County Area Go Texan: $1000 Each – Will Thornton and Kimberly Mora
–Freestone County Farm Bureau: $1,000 – Leynie Horton
–Freestone County Game Management Association: $1,000 Each – Will Thorne, Rowdy Phillips, Rhett Hagen, Barrett Maggard, Reese Stacks, and Grayson Holcomb

Zain Fitzgerald is presented the Bryan Penny Award.
–Freestone County Historical Commission Heritage: $500 – Reese Stacks
–Freestone County Retired Teachers’ Association: $500 – Leynie Horton
–Freestone County Credit Union Board & Staff: – $750 Each – Natalie Gomez, Vanessa Hernandez, Leynie Horton, Barrett Maggard, Omar Perez, E’Leyshia Roblow, Linsey Cate Satterwhite, Reese Stacks, and Korree Risken

Reese Stacks receives the Greg Huber Memorial Award.
–Greg Huber Memorial: $650 Each – Anayeli Bailon, Reese Stacks, and Serennity Suetos
–Harold Eppes FFA Memorial: $300 Each – Kimberly Baranda-Antonio and Aspyn Perry
–Heart O’ Texas Livestock Show: $4,000 – Rhaina Emmons
–Hilcorp Energy Company Future Leaders of America: $2,500 per year up to $10,000 – Reese Stacks
–Jay Alderman Memorial: $3,000 – Dylan Alderman and $1,500 Each – Ace Lee and Reese Stacks

The Earl Long Athletic Award goes to KeMauri Evans.
–Jeff Lucas Memorial: $500 – Grayson Holcomb
–Jerry Pruitt Memorial Athletic: $500 – Annie Oakes
–JR ‘Sonny’ Sessions Memorial: $500 – Reese Stacks
–Kindness From Case: $1,000 Each – Serennity Suetos and Will Thorne
–Lamar University: $22,158 per year up to 4 years – Kaylee Cuevas

The Christina Rankin Award is presented to Kyle Payne.
–Long Industries Ag Mechanics: $1,000 – Grayson Holcomb
–National Honor Society: $500 Each – Anayeli Bailon, Natalie Gomez, Keely Mathis, Omar Perez, Aspyn Perry, E’Leyshia Roblow, Declan Smith, Reese Stacks, and Serennity Suetos
–Navarro College: $2,000 per year up to $5,000 – Jose Villa, Jr.
–NUCOR Steel Texas: $4,000 per year for 4 years = $16,000 Each – Rhaina Emmons, Chance Noland, Koree Risken, and Cameron Williams

Reid Rogers receives the Attitude Award.
–Parkview Regional Hospital Foundation: $1,000 renewable for 4 years – Reese Stacks
–Pay It Forward/Kyle Killman Memorial: $750 – Reese Stacks
–Prosperity Bank: $200 Each – Landree Bragg, Annie Oakes, Grayson Holcomb, Aubrey Cearley, and Isai Diaz
–San Antionio Livestock Show: $10,000 – Rhaina Emmons
–Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica: $3,000 – Vanessa Hernandez, $2,000 – Kadence Keller, and $1,500 – Kimberly Baranda-Antonio
–South FreeCo Water Supply Co: $1,000 – Rowdy Phillips
–Sunny Foundation: $1,000 Each – Rhett Hagen, Kimberly Mora, Linsey Cate Satterwhite, and Keirsten Williams
–Teague Band Boosters: $1,000 – Jose Villa, $500 – Natalie Gomez, and $250 Each – E’Leyshia Roblow and Aaron Gonzalez
–Teague Chamber of Commerce: $1,000 Each – Andres Angeles and Resse Stacks
–Teague Class of 1968: $500 – E’Leyshia Roblow
–Teague Ex-Student Association: $1,500 Each – Sara Stark, Reese Stacks, Anayeli Bailon, and Kimberly Mora
–Teague General: $250 – Samantha Ramirez
–Teague Historical Preservation Society: $1,000 Each – Kimberly Baranda-Antonio and Nathan Franklin
–Teague Young Farmers: $600 Each – Dylan Alderman, Raeanna Burns, Rowdy Phillips, and Toby Tucker
–THS Early Bird: $500 – Omar Perez
–University of Dallas: $35,000 per year – Keely Mathis
–UT Tyler: $2,000 per year up to 3 additional years – Reese Stacks
–United States Marine Corps: Up to $180,000 Each – Christopher Fierro-Nava and Bradyn Faulk
–Attitude Award: Reid Rogers
–Christina Rankin Award: Kyle Payne
–Earl Long Athletic Award: KeMauri Evans
–Greg Huber Memorial Award: Reese Stacks
–Bryan Penny Award: Zain Fitzgerald
–DeKalb Award: Aspyn Perry
–W.D. Black Award: Leynie Horton
–Jolene Sledge Memorial for Principal’s Leadership Award: Natalie Gomez
–Lana Erwin Memorial Award: Kimberly Baranda-Antonio
–‘LION” Award: E’Leyshia Roblow
–Ryan Sartor Memorial Award: Alex Perez
–Vanessa Stringer Award for Outstanding Senior Girl: Reese Stacks
–Massey Award for Outstanding Senior Boy: Declan Smith
–Al Holland Award for Overall Outstanding Senior Student: Omar Perez
This award is given each year to honor the top 10% of the graduating class, along with their parents.
–Reese Stacks: Colin and Lindy Stacks. Reese is #8 in her class with a GPA of 100.2959. She plans to attend the University of Texas at Tyler and major in Nursing.
–E’Leyshia Roblow: Shigetta Roblow and Samuel Mathews. E’Leyshia is #7 in her class with a GPA of 100.5313. She plans to attend the University of Houston to major in Education.
–Natalie Gomez: Julio and Miriam Gomez. Natalie is #6 in her class with a GPA of 100.5768. She plans to attend the University of Texas at Arlington to major in Marketing.
–Chance Noland: Bobby and Ashley Noland. Chance is #5 in his class with a GPA of 102.2923. He plans to attend Texas A&M University to major in Electrical Engineering.
–Omar Perez: Catalin Perez. Omar is #4 in his class with a GPA of 102.7566. He plans to attend the University of Texas at Autin to major in Journalism.
–Keely Mathis: Charlie and Keesha Mathis. Keely is #3 in her class with a GPA of 103.7381. She plans to attend the University of Dallas to major in Pre-Physical Therapy.
–Aspyn Perry: Tracie Walker. Aspyn is #2 in her class with a GPA of 104.6384. She plans to attend Navarro College and then transfer to Sam Houston State University to major in Accounting.
–Declan Smith: Adam and Misty Smith. Declan is #1 in his class with a GPA of 104.9026. He plans to attend Texas A&M University to major in Mechanical Engineering.
The award program was closed with a candle lighting ceremony. Principal Shields light the main candle on stage and gave the following address:
“Our candle on stage represents the light of our high school. It stands for the labors of the faculty and staff. We have worked to prepare you for your future. We are symbolically passing the light of our school on to each of you. As your candle is lit, think of the many years you have grown. Think of the experiences you have shared. Think of your goals and achievements. You have worked together, you have cried together, and you have laughed together. Now you are ready to move onto new experiences. But as you move, consider the foundations that have already been set in place for you…”
He continued with many more words of encouragement and knowledge, wishing the best for this graduating class.
Principal Shields concluded by saying, “Seniors, you are our future! Go and pursue your dreams, and remember, you are the LIONS from TEAGUE HIGH SCHOOL!”