Local Elections

Elections may be called this Fall for Dew ISD Board of Trustees and Fairfield Hospital District’s Board of Directors, if enough candidates file to put their name on the ballot, as both entities have positions up for renewal.

Those interested in running for office have until Monday, August 19th to file their candidacy with either entity.

–Dew ISD Board of Trustees has three positions open in the upcoming election:  Places 3 (Monte Morris), 6 (Kim Massey), and 7 (Carl Clark).

Those interested in running for a position on the board may file an application at the Dew ISD Administration Office, located at 606 County Road 481, Teague, between July 19th and August 19th.

For more information, contact the DISD Administration office at 903-389-2828.

–Fairfield Hospital District Board of Trustees has four positions open in the upcoming election, currently held by incumbents:  George Robinson, Vance Oglesbee, Lisa Tate and Carman Mannen.

Candidate hopefuls may file an application between July 19th and August 19th, at the Freestone Medical Center Administrative Office located at 125 Newman Street, Fairfield.

For questions, contact Tony Price at fhd75840@gmail.com

–Teague Hospital District Board will NOT have an election in November. They have notified The ‘Times’ that their next election will be held in May 2025 to coincide with City elections.


Voters Information

–Last day to register to vote is Friday, October 7, 2024.

–Mail ballot application deadline is Friday, October 25, 2024.

–Early Voting begins on Monday, October 21, 2024, and ends Friday, November 1, 2024.

–General Election Day will be held Tuesday, November 5, 2024.