by Rix Quinn

My Dad was a newspaper editor, and worked in several towns. He learned how to write short biographies about successful community leaders.

Many of those people, Dad said, were well-known for their expertise. I heard him tell this story many times:

“I was standing at a graveside funeral service,” Dad recalled, “and noticed an interesting tombstone. It held the person’s name and life dates, and then told a three-word description: ‘He grew peaches.’

“That made me realize,” Dad emphasized, “that no matter what they do, most people get recognized for only one thing.”

In the magazine business, perhaps we can do a great service for the professions we serve by spotlighting prominent experts in their field, and saluting them for their unique skills.

I’ve never forgotten that “man who grew peaches” story, and in each biography I write I hope to honor my interviewee for his or her special ability.

One minute. If someone asked you to describe yourself in that time, what one message would you want to tell them?

Rix Quinn — a former trade magazine publisher — now writes and records audio biographies for business publications. Click on this link to hear a sample Minute Broadcast with ad.

For more details, he can be contacted by e-mail at, or by phone at 817-920-7999.