Quarantine, self-isolation, or whatever you call it, has brought about changes and new challenges for many educators and families in Freestone County as students are being schooled at home.

Fairfield Superintendent Dr. Jason Adams stated, “The adaptability of our parents, students and staff has been amazing to watch.”

Each school district has worked out their own way to help the students continue their education while being safe, and many teachers have gone the extra mile to show their students just how much they care.

In addition to the many breakfast and lunches that have been sent out, schools are doing many other things to keep their students active and engaged.

–Shares on social media when they will be releasing packets of educational material to their students, with no requirement to physically return them, but instead students’ text or email them back to their teacher
–Uses social media to keep everyone informed and educated on how to protect yourself from COVID-19
–Keeps students educated and entertained by sharing supplemental websites
–Gives families a place on social media to share the artwork students made at home

Fairfield ISD
–Supplied over 200 Chromebooks to students throughout the district
–Changed the High School and Junior High grading systems to help ease the burden on the students
–Made arrangements students who do not have access to internet
–Joined in on the Stadium lights challenge and the #bethelight movement to turn on the stadium lights for 20 minutes on Friday night to remind the 2020 seniors that they are not forgotten
–Shares Senior Highlights via social media
–Made videos highlighting how educators love and miss their students

Teague ISD
–Actively stays in touch with families to provide the best options available
–Uses Social Media to keep everyone informed, and to educate on how to protect yourself from COVID-19
–Set up their library to be an online eBook library
–Teachers took it upon themselves to hold a safe ‘parade’ throughout the city, sharing how much they love and miss their students
–Videos were made by educators highlighting how they love and miss their students
–Shares Senior Highlights via social media

Wortham ISD
–Themed weeks to keep staff and students connected on social media
–Drive by visits and phone calls to reach students they have not had contact with
–Weekly workouts are being shared on social media
–Shares Senior Highlights via social media
–Joined the Stadium lights challenge to turn on the stadium lights for 20 minutes on Friday night to remind the 2020 seniors that they are not forgotten.
–Have done a variety of online challenges, including the 10-second challenge (10 seconds to display a talent during a video) and more

Wortham Superintendent/CEO Melissa Bosley explained,”I’m sure there is so much more, but these are some highlights that are helping us try to stay connected with our students and families,“ a sentiment that appears to be true to all the school districts in Freestone County.

If you have not been in contact with your school, reach out and check with them, be it either email or a phone call, they are there for their students.