Taiga the Press Cat is hard at work with the Freestone County Times as their new office mascot.
Her playful and mischievous nature keeps her ‘co-workers’ on their toes as she works hard at defending the office from things like feet, shoes, and toys.
Taiga was abandoned by her feral mother at about two weeks of age. She was bottle raised by The ‘Times’ reporter, Victoria Keng.
The tiny kitten quickly won everyone over as she was nursed in the office, and has now grown to a much larger kitten who keeps her food lounging about on the desk.
Her absolute favorite day is Tuesdays when the paper arrives from the press. She just knows that there will be plenty of ‘work’ to be found for her to do when the twine needs to be cut.
On other days she assists by making sure papers lay flat and that all the smaller places in the office are free and clear of pretty much everything she finds fun.
Some days she even finds time during her busy day to make sure every surface is clean and free of anything possibly food related.
Then there are days when she entertains customers who walk through the door with her adorable features and charming personality.
Due to her time spent at the office being raised Taiga quickly became accustomed to the sights and sounds, and looks forward to going to work each day.
She is a bit of a glutton, and has planned out some rather elaborate food heist in her time here.
Alternatively, you can find her lounging around under a desk, on a desk, in a lap, or really wherever the need strikes her.
She keeps her toys strewn about the office in a typical cat disarray of fun. Just waiting to be pounced on, and bunny kicked.
Regardless what Taiga does each day, she keeps everyone smiling at the office with her goofy cat antics.