“With the lead up to Independence Day, I encourage you to re-read the Declaration of Independence to reacquaint yourself with the genius of the Founders,” encourages Keith Turchi, the Freestone County Republican Chair.

He believes this would be the first step in encouraging Republicans in the County to get more involved with our system of government.

When Dr. Sanford became ill, Mr. Turchi stepped in to help with duties that had become very cumbersome for Dr. Sanford. From there, he ran for Chair himself, a two-year position.

Mr. Turchi has now been elected to a second term. As such, he is the local Party spokesman, promotes Party Principles, i.e., government is too big and costs too much. He also receives ballot applications from local candidates of the Republican Party; and submits names to County Commissioners for Precinct Election Judges.

Most importantly, Mr. Turchi has plans to grow the Party.

“I find recent events have people more interested in elections and elections integrity,” he states.

He encourages everyone to obtain a sample paper ballot from Elections Administrator, Renee’ McBay, located at 444 E. Main or online prior to going to the polls.

Mr. Turchi shared that most voters are familiar with those at the top of the ticket and local officials. They are more likely to skip over middle ticket candidates. With sample ballots one can go to the websites of these individuals and make informed decisions for whom to vote.

Now retired from Big Brown, Mr. Turchi moved to Fairfield in 1993 with his wife Betsy, who has since passed away. They raised two children, Ryan and Jane, who graduated from Fairfield High School. He holds an engineering degree from Texas A&M; and is proudly an “Aggie.”

Meet Mr. Turchi at the Freestone County Fuzzy Peach Festival July 19th and 20th.

Mr. Turchi is in the beginning stages of revamping the Freestone Republican Party Facebook page. Refer to it for future Party plans and how you can get involved.

Mary McDonald
Freelance Reporter


addition on 6-29-24:

If you are interested in promoting the Republican party here in Freestone County please join me at the Party Headquarters building (221 W Main St) at 6:30 Tuesday evening, 07/02. We will be planning our tent and activities for the Fuzzy Peach Festival, July 19 & 20, on the Courthouse Lawn.

Thank you,
Keith Turchi
Republican Party Chair
Freestone County