“I think one of the most important things we need to work on as a country is electing politicians who actually care about the people of the United States,” says Freestone County Democratic Party Chairman, Opal Oliver.

Mrs. Oliver was initially elected as party chair in the 2008 election and has been re-elected every two years since.

When the position became vacant, Mrs. Oliver decided to put her hat in the ring because “I believed I could help,” she says.

Some items of importance for the upcoming election, in her opinion, include the economy and jobs, affordable healthcare and low prescription costs, education and providing trades early in high school if college is not something the youth wants to do, and summer work programs for the youth.

“My most important concern is how we respect each other’s opinions,” she goes on to explain. “I do enjoy a good, spirited debate with anyone, but it’s when it turns out that others want to do harm to others, name calling, showing total disrespect to another’s point of view, when it becomes a problem. I work hard to listen to others, and don’t always have to have an opinion. I believe in God; and politics can’t conflict with my beliefs.”

In addition to serving in this position, Mrs. Oliver has worked for the City of Fairfield as the Code Enforcement Official for the past nine years. She is a descendant of the Durham family, which has been in the Freestone County area for the past 210 years.

She encourages those who have questions or who would like to become involved with the Democratic Party to attend a monthly meeting, held on the 3rd Thursday of each month, typically at Sam’s Restaurant, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

At these meetings, you can share a meal, visit with like minded people, and learn from the occasional speaker or Democratic candidate.

Mrs. Oliver may be reached by emailing ooliver1951@yahoo.com.

There is also a Facebook page for the Democratic Party, search Freestone County Democrat Forum.