“I want to thank our City for allowing me the honor to serve all this time as your elected leader and mayor,” says City of Fairfield Mayor Roy Hill during the City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2018.
Mayor Hill opened business as usual, and then proceeded to read a letter to the crowd announcing that he will not seek re-election. He then excused himself for the remainder of the meeting.
“I have reached a crossroads as to how I can best continue to serve and protect our city and community,” explains Mayor Hill. “After much reflection and prayer, it is my belief that I can do more for Fairfield and its future in the private arena at this time than remaining as Mayor for now.”
Mayor Hill began his career in City of Fairfield government as a council member in 2003, that same year being elected as Mayor Pro-Tem.
In 2004, he ran for Mayor and was elected; he’s been serving as Mayor since that time.
The Mayor’s platform was based on the following key points:
–Serve all people equally
–Keep taxes low and reduce the City’s debt
–Provide high quality water at affordable prices
–Rework the road system as funds allow
–Support emergency services
–Maintain and create a job base; and expand the Industrial Park
–Create a better park system with more for the children to do
–Preserve and protect Fairfield’s rich heritage that goes all the way back to 1851
“Put simply, I saw my temporary job as your elected Mayor as a chance to be the ‘Infrastructure Mayor.’ To prepare a place for the next generation of leadership and our citizens to have a place they could build on for the long-term future of our city and community,” says Mayor Hill.
According to Mayor Hill, most of his original goals have been achieved, or will be before May of 2018, except for the rest of the street paving project.
“I will not seek re-election as our Mayor,” he says. “This does not mean I will not consider, in the future, serving again as an elected official, but for now it is time for a change. Let’s see what our currently elected officials can do in their current and future elected positions.”
“I will continue my fight for the great future of Fairfield, but will do it for now as a business man at this time,” he concludes. “May God bless you Fairfield, Texas, our State and the United States of America! I love you all.”