Dear Editor,

This expression was originally a Chinese proverb, but as it happens now, it certainly applies to Americans in 2024. In fact, interesting is too mild a word; better said would be critical since that indicates a significant change to the status quo. Such is hopefully the case in November. It is almost inconceivable that the two major political parties in this country have devolved to the point of running Trump or Biden/Harris. But we are there.

There is no more ardent hopeful for Joe Biden and Ms Harris to stay in the race through the election than Donald Trump. I must be the second most ardent hopeful of that wish. Between now and November Team Biden will not be able to camouflage and spin the public demonstrations of mental and physical decline the President displays almost daily. If the President ever did possess the strength and leadership required for his office, those qualities are plainly absent now. If any observer believes that our foreign enemies fear or respect America’s strength, he is naïve; our enemies must privately laugh at Washington’s weakness. Supposing that Ms. Harris as replacement would be stronger as President is beyond delusional.

I have a wager with a good friend that neither incumbent will be on the Dems’ ticket for President. I would be delighted to lose that bet since I hope that the Biden/Trump contest will see the older candidate most likely drowned in a landslide victory for conservatives. If Mr. Biden takes the high road and steps down, my dream ticket for democrats would be Kamala Harris with Hillary Clinton as VP running mate. Leadership? It’s doubtful that either could lead a thirsty mule to water. Vote your conscience and your duty as a citizen this fall.

In case any contrary voice to these opinions should subsequently appear, let us hope to be spared a rambling regurgitation of Jr. High civics lessons, barely remembered and poorly written.

God bless America!


El Sellers

Fairfield, Texas