Part of the Texas range webinar series

by Susan Himes

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will present the webinar, “Integrated Wildlife Damage Management,” at noon on April 7  as part of  its ongoing Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, RWFM, Stewardship Series.

The cost is $35 and advance registration is required at Pay via credit card when registering to immediately receive instructions to access the webinar.

There is one Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education unit in integrated pest management available.

The featured speaker is Mikayla Killam, RWFM wildlife damage management specialist, Bryan-College Station.

“I think this webinar should be of interest to all landowners whether they live in rural or urban areas, because at any point they may run across wildlife along with their damage,” said program co-coordinator Brittany Chesser, AgriLife Extension aquatic vegetation program specialist, Bryan-College Station.

Chesser said while traditional management methods remain the same throughout the years, more modern methods or integrated techniques are always up for discussion.

“Mikayla will help landowners walk through the thought process of what type of control may be feasible to them depending on attitude approach, land use and management goals,” she said.

Controlling, managing damage

The presentation by Killam will address the following topics:

  • Methods by which damage is managed on native wildlife species.
  • Choosing the appropriate tool for the problem.
  • How to apply and integrate multiple tools to achieve management goals.
  • Lethal and nonlethal approaches.
  • The proper use and application of toxicants.

For additional information or webinar questions, contact Chesser at, or event co-coordinator Morgan Treadwell, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension range specialist, San Angelo, at