by Conservative State Representative Angelia Orr

We can all agree: Texas must NEVER turn into California. Californians are struggling due to the high cost of living and excessive taxes—not to mention their radical liberal government and culture. Some of you may even have fled from states like California to find a safe refuge in conservative, free Texas.

However, if we’re not careful, Texas’s housing market may transform into something similar to that of Blue States rather than the free-market land of opportunity it once was. As of the end of 2024, nearly 75% of Texas households could not afford to buy a home, with some areas exceeding 90%. Housing shortages have made prices unattainable for many first-time homebuyers and those looking to move to a different house.

To address this shortage, I have filed a bill that is a priority for both Governor Abbott and Speaker Burrows to repeal the “Tyrant’s Veto”. What is the “Tyrant’s Veto,” you might ask? This little-known law allows only 20% of property owners within 200 feet of a proposed building project to block it. Even more concerning, the “Tyrant’s Veto” leaves even your local elected City Council almost powerless to take action, requiring a supermajority of over 75% to override a “Tyrant’s Veto.” In a city council with just seven members, a daunting six out of seven members must agree for a new housing project to proceed under these conditions.

My bill seeks to empower all property owners and restore proper authority to the elected city council. If passed, my legislation would raise the veto threshold to require 60% of all property owners affected by the new development. It would also lower the threshold for city council approval to a simple majority, allowing for much-needed new housing and placing the burden of accountability on local elected officials. I am confident that HB 24 will help make Texas affordable again by addressing the housing shortage, lowering homeownership costs, and reducing insurance premiums.

I am also dedicated to significantly cutting your property taxes—once again! In the last legislative session, I successfully passed the largest property tax reduction in Texas history, amounting to an incredible $18 billion, coupled with an increase in your homestead exemption.

This year, we are poised to take even more steps to alleviate your tax burden, with bills in both the House and Senate that focus on further reductions. Despite some differing opinions on the details, our commitment remains unwavering: We are determined to lower property taxes by the largest amount possible. We love setting records in Texas! I believe we will once again surpass our last record-setting property tax cut, which provided the average homeowner around $1,200 worth of relief off their tax liability.

Transparency and accountability at the local appraisal levels must also be at the forefront of our initiatives. We have taken meaningful steps to empower citizens by ensuring that at least half of the members in your local appraisal district are elected officials accountable directly to you, the voters. If they don’t help provide relief, vote them out!

Moreover, we have streamlined the appraisal protest process, making it easier for property owners to contest their valuations and fostering greater transparency throughout. These reforms are crucial to ensuring that all Texans receive a fair shake. It’s not just about reducing taxes; it’s about rebuilding trust in our system and ensuring that you have a voice in the processes that affect your pocketbook.

As we move forward, let’s stand united in our pursuit of a prosperous, free-market-driven, and affordable Texas. On my watch, we will prevent our housing markets from turning into the likes of Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City and keep our conservative, Christian values at the heart of all we do.

I appreciate you for staying up to date and encourage you to come back as I write to you next week. You can stay connected and informed about the legislative process by calling our Capitol office at (512) 463-0600 or by following my social media page at

–Your Conservative State Representative, Angelia Orr