For those voting by mail this year, color is important to notice.

SeaChange Election Services, the company contracted to send out mail-in ballots for the March 3, 2020 primary elections, made mistakes with this year’s ballots, and not just in Freestone County, but statewide according to Freestone County Clerk Linda Jarvis, who addressed Commissioners Court during a special called meeting Monday, February 24, 2020.

The inaccurate ballots are white in color.

One-Hundred fifty yellow, corrected ballots were sent to residents of Freestone County by the County Clerk’s Office.

If you received a green ballot, do not worry, as those were sent out in-house and are correct.

The problem occurred when SeaChange did not follow the proper maps depicting who received which precincts ballot. For example, people in Precinct 1 might have received a ballot for Precinct 3.

To correct the issue, County Clerk Jarvis stated that, for every yellow, corrected ballot returned by 7:00 p.m. March 3, 2020, the incorrect white ballots will not be counted, but if a yellow ballot is not received then the white ballot will be counted.

It was also stated that as of February 17, 2020 seventeen of the corrected ballots had been turned in.

Jarvis has diligently worked to correct the error as best as possible and stated to the Commissioner’s Court that, “I’ve done everything in my power, to do what the law says for me to do with the mistake SeaChange made.”

For questions call the County Clerk’s office at 903-389-2635