Tessie Doyle, vice president Credit Operations at Lone Star Ag Credit, was among 22 delegates to participate in the 2022 Farm Credit Bank of Texas Association Leadership Program (ALP) to New York and Washington, D.C., September 12-15.

The program offers association staff a broad national view of the Farm Credit System and provides opportunities to interact with policy leaders in Washington. It also gives a behind-the-scenes look at how funding flows from the nation’s money markets to Farm Credit’s customers.

“The Association Leadership Program was an incredible opportunity to experience all facets of the Farm Credit System. It was a privilege to represent Lone Star Ag Credit and our shareholders in New York and Washington DC,” said Doyle.

During the week, delegates across the five-state district visited the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation in New Jersey, toured the New York Financial District and shared a working lunch with Farm Credit Council staff in Washington, D.C.

While visiting the Farm Credit Administration (FCA) headquarters in Virginia, the group met with FCA senior leaders about local lending conditions. Delegates spent the final day on Capitol Hill in Washington, sharing the Farm Credit story with congressional leaders and staff.

Lone Star Ag Credit provides financing for rural land, country homes, agribusinesses, livestock, agricultural equipment, and operating expenses. Headquartered in Fort Worth, Lone Star has credit offices in Abilene, Cleburne, Corsicana, Denton, Fort Worth, Georgetown, Hillsboro, Lampasas, New Boston, Paris, Sherman, Stephenville, Sweetwater, Waco, and Weatherford. It is a member of the Farm Credit System, a nationwide network of customer-owned cooperatives. Founded in 1916, Farm credit is the nation’s largest source of loans for agriculture, agribusiness, rural real estate and country homes. For more information, visit www.LoneStarAgCredit.com