The Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR met in the conference room, Parkview Regional Hospital, March 11, 2020 for their monthly meeting.
Regent Nancy McSwane welcomed members and guest Julia Martin, and Mary Helen Bournias to the meeting. Regent McSwane led members in the Ritual and Theresa Penny, gave a National Defense report on Camels used in the southwest. These camels became the Camel Corps and were finally established in 1855 when congress appropriated $30,000.00 to buy, train and test the animals which were shipped to Texas. After the civil war the corps was disbanded and the camels were turned loose.
Diane Pullin introduced our guest speaker Cindi Allen Schmerber of Humble, and a member of the Lady Houston Chapter in Kingwood, TX. Cindi spoke about the Revolutionary War Sash of her ancestor, Robert Lemon.
Mr. Lemon was born in Ireland in 1752 and came to America as an infant with his parents and siblings. Robert joined militia units four different times during the Revolutionary War. During his first enlistment he was elected Orderly Sergeant of Colonel John Proctor’s Independent Battalion, Westmoreland County Pennsylvania militia. This was the first militia raised west of the Alleghenies after the Declaration of Independence. Robert was given the sash to denote his rank. It most likely came from a killed or captured British officer. The sash has been verified as the only known non-commissioned officer’s insignia of any kind from the Revolutionary War. During one of the battles Robert was struck in the head by a saber of a British horseman, and used his musket to deflect the attack, but not before he was cut across the forehead.
The sash has been handed down through six generations of women until Mrs. Schmerber received it from a cousin. She then gave it to her father in 1998 including a photo of Robert Lemon. Mrs. Schumerber had numerous other stories relating to her family which we all enjoyed.
Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American Independence is eligible for membership. For more information about joining the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR please contact Regent Nancy McSwane at 254-359-4620 or Registrar Billie Bournias at 903-389-3592.
Local Chapter Learns About Revolutionary War Sash