Misty Swinburn is the Teague Lion Academy Student of the Year for the 2019-2020 year, the commencement ceremonies were held last Thursday, May 28, 2020 at Lion Stadium.

The daughter of Jeremy Swinburn and Angel Harcrow, along with five siblings, Alanna, Jeremy, Cayley, Sierra and Hayley worked very hard to graduate, even go as far as staying late in school to make sure she accomplished her goal.

Misty is an avid Basketball player, who played in High School, but even considers the sport to be her hobby.

Through Misty’s bad days and attitude, Mrs. Strange was there for her. Proving to be a best friend for her, and growing to become her favorite teacher.

She pushed Misty and encouraged her, making sure that she never gave up.

With this being the quarantine school year, Misty took the time to speak to a Navy recruiter.

Ultimately, she decided the Navy was a good fit for her future.

Misty leaves her underclassmen with the wise words, “Keep your head up and keep pushing, don’t be afraid to ask questions.”