Dear Eagle Fans,

We are excited about the beginning of a new year. Hard to believe it is already upon us. We are already busy at work. Our Volleyball teams started practice last Wednesday and have already had two scrimmages. We will play Corsicana in Fairfield, Tuesday August 7th. Freshman will start at 5pm with JV and Varsity to follow. Then, we will be hosting our Fairfield Volleyball Tournament on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Come support our Lady Eagles.

Cross Country has started practice as well. They are putting in the miles and getting ready for our Copperhead 5k on August 18th. It will take place at our cross country course behind the baseball/softball fields across the street from the jr. high school. It is open to all. Come be a participant in the 5k.

Football starts practice today, August 6th. We will have team meetings beginning at 3pm. Tuesday- Friday, the Freshman will begin practice at 3:30pm with the JV/Varsity starting at 7pm. We will scrimmage Teague on August 17th in Fairfield. Freshman/JV will begin at 5pm with the Varsity starting around 6:30pm.

We are very excited about starting back up. Come out and support our Lady Eagles and Eagles.

Athletic Director John Bachtel

Fairfield ISD