Freestone County Retired Teachers Association to host TRTA Executive Director Tim Lee on Wednesday April 6, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the Fairfield High School cafeteria.

All retired and active school employees from Freestone, Limestone, Anderson, Navarro, Hill, and Leon counties are invited to participate.

Please join us to be updated on TRTA Legislative Priorities for the upcoming session and what we need to do now to be ready. He will also update us on the Federal bills to repeal the WEP and GPO.

TRTA is the only organization that lobbies for retired school employees. Things that affect retirees will also affect actives when the time for retirement comes for them. Actives  and retirees need to be proactive in being educated on legislator’s actions towards public school issues and the legislation being filed that affect public schools, actives, and retirees.

Anyone that supports Texas public schools is invited to come hear Tim Lee. Retirees and actives need to be educated on legislative issues and work together to educate others on those issues.

For more information contact:

Alicia Smith, FCRTA Membership and Legislative Chairs | 903-388-0950 |