At the NARFE Chapter 1191 meeting on Tues., 14 Mar 2023, at Bubba’s BBQ in Ennis, Korey McCrady, Exec. Dir. of Helping Hands of Ennis was guest speaker, welcomed by James Patak, NARFE Program Coordinator in Ennis. (Submitted Photo)
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Chapter 1191 held its monthly meeting from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Bubbas BBQ in Ennis on Tues., 14 Mar 2023. The guest speaker was Korey McCrady, Exec. Dir. of Helping Hands of Ennis.
The speaker discussed the financial, food and clothing assistance provided to those in need in Ennis and the surrounding area. Emphasis was made on God having a plan for our lives and that every individual is loved, matters, and has purpose. He covered the incease in funding over the last year and the incease in food available. He also noted that financial assistance is available on one time only basis. The speaker discussed the population growth in the area and the increased demand. There is assistance provided to the organization by the North Texas Food Bank. Also there is a full time Thrift Shop available. Financial, food, and clothing support is needed and welcome. The mailing address is PO Box 472, Ennis, TX 75120 and the physical address is 604 NE Main St., Ennis, TX 75119. Hours of operation are M-F: 8 am – 4 pm. Sat, Thrift Shop only 10 am – 2 pm. Ph. – 972-875-0218
NARFE Chap. 1191 covers Ellis, Navarro and adjacent parts of the surrounding counties. Membership in NARFE is open to all active and retired federal employees and their spouses, former federal employees, and former spouses who are entitled to a federal survivor annuity. For membership information contact 972-878-6225 You may also go to www.narfe.org