National Thank a Police Officer Day was Saturday, September 19, 2020 and Freestone County Sheriff Jeremy Shipley took to social media and made sure he thanked every officer.
Shipley said, “To the officers of Wortham, Teague, Fairfield, DPS, Game Wardens, State Park, and, of course, the Deputies of the FCSO, THANK YOU so much for giving so much of yourself and your life. I love ya and the vast majority of this county loves ya. We appreciate all you do.”

WITH A SMILE HIS MASK cannot hide, is Deputy Larry Jones, Freestone County Courthouse Security. Deputy Jones is the well-known and super sweet man you encounter when you walk into the courthouse. He can help you get to where you need to be, and make sure everyone is safe while doing so. Not to mention his crown and balloons are amazing. (Submitted photo)
In addition, last week Deputy Larry Jones was honored for his commitment and hard work keeping Freestone County Courthouse safe.
Multiple employees of the Courthouse made sure to make Deputy Jones feel the love and appreciation that they feel for him.
“Deputy Jones is one of the nicest, kindest, caring individuals you will ever know or meet,” says Sheriff Shipley on social media.
While these were the official days, make sure and show all the officers of Freestone County the love and appreciation they deserve day in and day out.