By Barney Leach

June ended our above normal monthly rainfall pattern for the year with only 1.68 inches of rain. Normal June rainfall is 3.97 inches. We had seven days with measureable rainfall with a greatest one-day total of 0.58 inches on June 18, which was our first day with measurable rainfall for the month.

Our total rainfall for the year now stands at 33.69 inches or 79 percent of our normal annual rainfall. Normal rainfall through June is 22.08 inches. At this point last year, we had received 39.02 inches of rain, which was 92 percent of our annual normal and 84 percent of our total for the year.

Our record wettest June was 13.26 inches of rain in 2004. The driest June was 0.23 inch of rain in 2008.

June temperatures were about normal. We had 12 days with temperatures in the mid t low-nineties with a high of 94 degrees on June 6, 8, and 9. High temperatures remained in the upper 80’s for the latter part of the month. Low temperature for the month was 63 degrees on June 11. June is normally our third hottest month of the year.

Looking ahead to July: July is normally our driest month of the year at 2.13 inches of rain. Our record wettest July was 8.89 inches of rain in 2007. The driest July was 0.02 inch in July 1997.

July is also our normally hottest month of the year. August is close behind at about one degree cooler. July holds the record for our hottest temperature of 14 degrees in July of 2018.

The above rainfall and temperature data was recorded by Barney Leach, former co0op weather volunteer for the National Weather Service, and former weather volunteer for Channel 8 in Dallas, Channel 10 in Waco and radio station KNES in Fairfield.