Would you like to make your corner of the world a nicer place? This week is a great time to start!

Established in 1988, ‘Be Kind to Humankind’ week is an annual worldwide celebration of kindness from August 25th-31st.

This is a week to honor all the great things you can do to help others. Every day of the week has its own theme, so no one is left out:

–Sacrifice our Wants for Others’ Needs on Sunday

–Motorist Consideration on Monday

–Touch a Heart on Tuesday

–Willing to Lend a Hand on Wednesday

–Thoughtful Thursday

–Forgive Your Foe on Friday

–Speak Kind Words on Saturday

Do your part to make your corner of the world a better place.

Who says that one person can’t make a difference? We know that you can!

For more information, visit online at bk2hk.org