By Samantha Daviss
Sometimes there are things in life that we are scared to do or try. Sometimes there are tasks ahead of us that we know we must complete but we aren’t quite sure how to tackle them or complete them. And sometimes we enter a world of the unknown, be it a new job, or a new relationship, or a new project – but you must just go for it.
I myself am a perpetual planner. I have checklists for my checklists. And right now, I am facing one of my biggest hurdles ever. And that is the due date of my thesis for my Masters degree that I am currently working on. I have written a book in the past, but I did it on my time. This time I am on a time clock, so to speak. Although it is a generous time clock it is still a time clock nonetheless. And even though I am a planner, I also work best under pressure. Kind of ironic wouldn’t you say?
So, the course I am currently taking my professor wanted to see where we stood in our thesis, or the planning stages of our thesis. And with that we had to apply it to a book we were reading for the course. And so, I did just that. I received an “A” for the assignment, well the writing aspect of the assignment at least, but in his notes, or the rubric, my professor kindly, but encouragingly wrote… “This book has possessed you. Quit planning it. Quit organizing it. And just write it.”
I started to laugh when I read his notes to me because this professor doesn’t know me from Adam. Yet he nailed my idiosyncrasies perfectly. I am too afraid of failing, of not getting it right. But the second part of his notes said… “You will probably have to ‘start over’ and that is okay, but you have to start.”
So, I did just that. I started. I think deep down I have known for quite sometime what I have wanted to write, but like he said this book is possessing me. Just as we all allow things to do to us in life. But we must stop, we must take control and just go for it. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop us from fulfilling our dreams. Don’t let the past stop us from pursuing a healthy relationship. Don’t let a horrible boss or being let go from a job stop you from interviewing for that one perfect position that you have had your eye on.
Be you – and go for it. Big or small, stay true to who you are and your dreams, play cozino to find out more.
“True freedom is understanding that we have a choice in who and what we allow to have power over us.” – Meryl Streep