What is Alkaline and Acidic? We want to be a 7.4ph to 7.5ph. This causes our blood to be alkaline which will mean that sickness cannot thrive.  If you think that you are acidic, you may have symptoms like acid reflux, or just feel blah. The most acidic foods include; refined sugar, chocolate, peanuts, wheat flour, white flour, shell fish, beef, cheese, dairy, soft drinks, and processed foods. You can get acidosis which mean that your body becomes too acidic. This causes your body to utilize your own alkaline material to try to balance out your ph. That will deplete your alkaline resources.  The minerals that it will pull from you will include sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. All of that will cause you to lose energy, have acid build up, decrease ability to repair damages cells, decrease heavy metal detoxification, and increase dis-ease susceptibility.   
60- 80% of your diet should be alkaline.  Alkaline foods include; lemons, oranges, cherries, dates, figs, nectarines, pears, watermelon, apples, bananas, avocado, jicama, kale, sweet potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, bell pepper, beets, eggplant, cucumber, lettuce, mushrooms, squash, greens, and most herbs and spices.  Instead of vinegar (acid) based dressings and sauces, use ginger or garlic.  Keep in mind that fresh ingredients are more alkaline that frozen products.
Your body’s ph being balanced is super important in your overall health, weight loss, fighting sicknesses, skin, nails, and even hair. It is good to take your ph often so that you know what you need to do in order to balance it out.  
If you are one of the blessed ones with a water well on your property, I feel that you have liquid gold because it is full of minerals, higher in ph, and better for your system.  It restores the minerals that acidic foods draw from you. If you do not have a well, we have a water called crazy water from Mineral Wells, TX and blk water. The Blk water has fulvic trace minerals which come from the earth’s surface vs. a well.  If you want to live the best life possible, stock up on anything alkaline!

Provided courtesy of In Thee Beginning, 122 S Keechi St., Fairfield, Texas.