Health is defined as being dis-ease free with no mental or physical conditions.   Your health covers your mind, body, and spirit.  You’re not healthy if you’re stressed out, drained, and sick.    
1Corinthian 3:16 says, Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?  We are to make good choices for our health.  
It is up to us to treat our body as a temple.  
A temple is a place of worship where you would not curse, drink, or do dirty deeds. We have to look at our body as a holy place that demands the same respect.   Health does not just happen, it is a process of good decisions, discipline and hard work.  Unhealthy choices are toxic and toxins cause dis-ease.  You can never perform your best if you are sleepy, depressed, or sickly.   
This is why health is wealth.  Wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions. 
You’re a valuable possession.  If you embody health, you are wealth. You are who God intended you to be.  
What kind of decisions can you make to increase your health?  
It is vital that we take time to assess our health, eating, and how we handle emotions. 
You have to make the choice to eat right.  Figure out what foods are beneficial for you and what is poisonous for you.  
You have to ask yourself how can you stay fit?  What is the best workout for you?  Then you must ask yourself how do you handle stressful situations and what can you do to handle them better?  
Do you let go and let God or worry about things that are out of your control?  
What can you do to create an environment where your mind, body, and soul are all at peace, healthy, whole, and working together to create the greatest you?  It is time to become healthy so you too can become wealthy!  
Be sure to get a paper weekly to find out more tips on how you can be HOPED back to HEALTH!!!

Courtesy of In Thee Beginning