REACH your GOALS Today!


by Tiffany Anderson


How many times have you said that you need to lose weight or that you need to eat better?

The problem we have is that every day we put it off until tomorrow. The key is to start little by little because so many people get terrified to get into something full forced.

To get started you have to at least have a made up mind.   You have to feel like it is really time. Get you a motivation. What motivates you to want to lose weight?   Is it the fact that you want to look good for the summer? Have energy for the kids?

Now choose to cut something out. If it is sodas, sweets, or candy. Be sure to start somewhere. As you cut out that bad habit, add a good one. If you choose soda, add water in replacement. If you chose cakes, add fruit as replacement.

Finally, know that balance is important. On a diet it is not about
eating the exact same thing every day but it is important to switch up so that you get a great plethora of nutrients. Some days eat turkey instead of chicken or fish instead of turkey. Eat beans instead of meat and spinach instead of lettuce or kale instead of spinach. You can switch up with your juices by adding different fruits and vegetables. I always say that as long as your step today is better than yesterday, there is hope.

If you start with just these little steps, you will feel more energized, lighter, and happier that you are working towards your goals.

This article is provided courtesy of In Thee Beginning, located at 122 S Keechi St Fairfield, Texas.