Written by Leighton Chachere

The Texas A&M Forest Service is accepting grant applications for the State Fire Assistance for Mitigation – Plains Prescribed Fire Grant through Aug. 15. The grant will provide $74,514 in total funding for prescribed burns.

Funding to reduce hazardous fuels will be provided to landowners and communities that have been or may be threatened by wildland fire. Properties in the Panhandle, western and northwest Texas with a high risk for loss during a wildfire outbreak are eligible.

Grant recipients will be reimbursed actual per acre costs associated with conducting the prescribed burn, up to $30 per acre with a limit of 500 acres per recipient.

“Historically, fire has been a necessary tool to improve forage quality for grazing, enhance wildlife habitat and preserve soil nutrients on the rangelands of Texas,” said Jake Gosschalk, Texas A&M Forest Service program specialist.

Wildfires can be destructive when they occur at the wrong time or near a community that is unprepared. To plan ahead and mitigate these impacts, Texas A&M Forest Service works with landowners and local and county governments to complete Community Wildfire Protection Plans.

Planning ahead to reduce fuel loads

“Recent rains across the state have definitely encouraged greening-up of vegetation, but it’s a good idea to plan for prescribed fire treatments in the fall and winter, when grasses, forbs and other vegetation have had the opportunity to dry out due to frost kill,” Gosschalk said.

“Landowners who decide to utilize prescribed fire as a treatment method can greatly reduce fuel loads to mitigate the threat of potential wildfires.”

Landowners located within 2 miles of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan will receive priority funding.

This program enhances awareness of wildfire risk and empowers individual landowners and the overall community to act to reduce the risk of wildfire in their area.

Texas A&M Forest Service provides more information on Community Wildfire Protection Plans, State Fire Assistance for Mitigation – Plains Prescribed Fire Grant and the application process and about prescribed fire online. More information is also available on prescribed fires through the TDA Prescribed Burning Board.

Visit online at tfsweb.tamu.edu