The halfway point has been reached in the ninety day hold on demolition of the Teague City Park Pavilion.
At the October 29th meeting of the Teague City Council, Aldermen were addressed by many displeased citizens regarding their October 19th vote to demolish the one hundred year old Pavilion.
After several Council meetings resulted in unclear actions, residents were alarmed when a previous motion approved by the Council on October 15th to form a committee to study the cost of repair and restoration had turned into soliciting bids for demolition of the treasured landmark just four days later at a special called meeting on October 19th.
Alderman Jerry Ballew, the only Alderman to vote against the demolition, ultimately presented a motion to table the demolition for ninety days, allowing for the previously approved committee to be formed and make their recommendation to the Council.
Park Committee members were announced Monday, November 5th and will conduct their first meeting Thursday, December 13th at 6 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting will be open to the public.
Serving on the committee are Mayor James Monks, Aldermen Jerry Ballew and Ron Rasbeary, City Administrator/Secretary Theresa Prasil, Public Works Director Jacob Cowling, Jessica Risken, Bryan Teer, Kelly Satterwhite, and Travis Miller.
Teague’s City Council will meet Friday, December 14th at 1 p.m. for a special called workshop, with their regular meeting set for Monday, December 17th at 6 p.m.