Witnessing the signing of a proclamation to declare the month of April “Child Abuse Prevention Month” are members of the Freestone County Child Protection Service Board (in no particular order): Katherine Jackson – Chairman, Cheryl Evans – Vice Chairman, Lovie Whyte – Treasurer, Kayla Skinner – Secretary, Jeannie Keeney, Linda Manning, Amie Mullen, Beth Smith, Rhonda Treece, Krystal Walker, Pam Barnes, and Jason Mcghee (pending background check and CCt approval).  (Photos by Natalia V. Marsters)

On Friday, April 1, 2022, Freestone County officials gathered on the Courthouse steps, dressed in blue, to recognized the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month.

They joined members of the Freestone County Child Protective Board in urging citizens to spread awareness.


Child Abuse Prevention Month


Whereas, Thousands of cases of child abuse and neglect are confirmed in Texas; and

Whereas, Child abuse awareness is a community responsibility and finding solutions depends on involvement among all people; and

Whereas, Communities must make every effort to promote programs that benefit children and families; and

Whereas, Effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships among agencies, schools, religious organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and

Whereas, Everyone in the community should become more aware of child abuse prevention and should consider helping parents raise their children in a safe, nurturing environment.

Now, Therefore, I, Linda K. Grant, Freestone County Judge do hereby proclaim the month of April, 2022 to be Child Abuse Prevention Month and urge all citizens to work together to help prevent child abuse and neglect significantly in this year and in years to come.

Dated This 1st Day of April, 2022.

Linda K. Grant
Freestone County Judge