Answering questions about school population, the effects of proposed legislation, and the importance of vocational opportunities for non-college bound students is Fairfield’s new superintendent, Dr. Jason Adams.
Adams, who took over the position just a few months ago, shared that he got to know Fairfield when he was a coach at Madisonville.
“We came here because we wanted to be here,” said Dr. Adams, complimenting the school’s tradition and history of academic and extracurricular excellence.
He and his wife have an eighth grade son. “We as parents wanted him to have that opportunity to go to a great high school.”
Dr. Adams came to Fairfield from North Lamar ISD, in Paris, Texas where he served as superintendent. His career in education spans over twenty years, at the schools of Madisonville, Huntington, Kerens, and Paris. He has served these districts in the capacity as teacher, coach, high school principal, and superintendent.
Dr. Adams received his bachelor’s degree from Sam Houston State University, and completed his doctorate at the University of Arkansas.
Following Dr. Adams’ presentation, Rotarians were reminded that the annual Purple Pinkie Day would be observed on Fairfield ISD campuses on Friday, May 3rd.
Over thirty years ago Rotary International made a promise to the children of the world to eradicate polio. Purple Pinkies teaches children the facts about polio and raises funds for vaccine.

The Fairfield Rotary Club meets each Tuesday beginning at noon at Sam’s Original Restaurant. For more information, contact them at fairfieldrotary1939@gmail.com.