It’s that time once again. Area school districts and Cities will be holding elections in May and the time to get your name on the ballot has arrived.
Filing periods are now open, as of Wednesday, January 18th and end on February 17th at 5:00 p.m.
–School Districts (Board of Trustees) Open Positions
Fairfield – 2 positions: John Fryer and Kevin Benedict
Teague – 3 positions: Lovie Whyte, Stan Waldrip, and Mary Clary-Smith
Wortham – 3 positions: Todd Dunnahoe, James Sessions, and Jeff Jones
Dew – Dew ISD holds elections in November
–City Councilmen/Aldermen Open Positions
Fairfield – Places 3 (David Steward), 4 (Landis Bayless), & 5 (Kenny Hughes)
Teague – Places 2 (Ron Rasbeary – Mayor Pro Tem), 4 (Chris Nickleberry), & 5 (Marilyn Michaud)
Wortham – Places 3 (Mindy McGlone) & 4 (Frank McClellan)
Streetman – No election this year
If you would like to put your hat in the ring for any of these positions, contact your local school administration building or city hall for packet information and applications.