By Billy Patterson


Two monthly events are planned this week at Faith Fellowship Baptist Church in Fairfield.

‘Game Night’ occurs the second Thursday of each month and will take place this Thursday from 6:30 pm until 9 pm. Card games, dominoes, checkers and other fun games will keep the attendees entertained in friendly fellowship.

The men of FFBC will be preparing a full breakfast menu this coming Saturday morning. All men and young boys from Fairfield and the surrounding area are invited to attend. Fathers and grandfathers are encouraged to bring their sons and grandsons with them. The fellowship begins around 7 with the meal scheduled at 7:30 am.  A brief devotional will follow at 8 am with the event planned to end around 8:30 am.

Faith Fellowship Baptist Church is located at 801 I-45 in Fairfield in the former Marathon Oil Company building. For more information, please contact pastor Justin Colquette 214.773.0149.