Members of the Freestone County Sheriff’s Office were recognized for their service during an agency meeting on February 25, 2021.

Recognized for their service for 2020 was the following:

Deputy of the Year – Justin Campbell 

Deputy Campbell’s dedication to the citizens and superior effort that he puts in day in and day out provides our office and those we serve a consistent and effective presence on patrol.

Employee of the Year – Chief Devin Mowrey 

Chief Deputy Mowrey was hired 4 years ago and since day one has provided leadership and dedication to our agency and the citizens of our county as he helps manage all aspects of our Sheriff’s Office.

Speaking about last year’s pandemic and the recent ice storm, County Sheriff Jeremy Shipley stated, “If we have proven anything in the last 12 months it’s that our employees are resilient and capable of overcoming obstacles to ensure the protection and service to our citizens is not affected and still carried out to the best of our ability.”