Fifty percent capacity is allowed in Freestone County, after Judge Linda Grant signed an attestation form with the State of Texas on Thursday, April 30, 2020.

Counties with five or less active cases of COVID-19 are allowed to open at the higher 50% occupancy as opposed to the 25% other counties in Texas are restricted to.

As of Monday, May 4, 2020, Freestone County has four active cases.

The higher capacity allowances are in addition to full openings that are already allowed to essential services, such as those providing food, household supplies, and services.

Continuing to follow the CDC guidelines is advised by Judge Grant.

Wash your hands, wear a face mask or cloth cover, and maintain your social distancing.

Due to the way Governor Abbott’s executive orders have worked, he has given local law enforcement the power to enforce the rules set forth.

Before the Governor’s latest ruling, it was necessary for a city and/or county to have a clause stating that during a disaster they could enforce rules.

Remember, if at any time Freestone County rises above five active cases, it will revert back to the lower occupancy rate.