Can you and your staff recognize counterfeit cards, cash, and checks in your business?

How would losses due to fraudulent transactions affect your bottom line?

Do you train your employees to recognize fraud?

A FREE ninety-minute seminar is being offered Tuesday, January 17 at the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce, located at 101 S. 3rd Street.  Event will be offered in the morning at 10:00 a.m. or in the afternoon at 3:00 p.m.

We understand how business owners often lack the time and resources to learn about fraud, which makes them popular targets.

Learn about scams that can cost you money, and not even be aware they are happening.  Learn how fraudulent payments in the form of counterfeit bills, checks and plastic can hurt you.

RSVP to 254-863-2567 and get FREE training tools to empower your staff.

Seminar is being conducted by Ken Givens of U.S. Merchant Payment Solutions, Crime Prevention Officer Sofie Martinez of Waco Police Department, Adam Price of Regional Director of Better Business Bureau, and the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce.

Attendees may also RSVP to

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