Residents of Limestone County will have the opportunity Wednesday, May 6, 2020 to receive FREE COVID-19 Testing.
Testing will be offered this Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 206 E. Main Street in Mexia, Texas.
Testing will be conducted BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Call 512-883-2400, or visit online at TXCOVIDTEST.ORG, to make an appointment for testing.
You will be screened to see if you have:
–Fever and/or Chills
–Cough (Dry or Productive)
–Body Aches/Muscle or Joint Pain
–Shortness of Breath
–Sore Throat
–Nasal Congestion
–Loss of Taste and/or Smell
This will be conducted as a Drive-In testing site. Individuals will stay inside their vehicle, at all times.
Testing is being conducted with the assistance of the Texas Military Department, Texas Division of Emergency Management, Texas Emergency Medical Task Force, and Texas Health and Human Service.
To arrange for your FREE testing, call 512-883-2400 immediately, or visit online at TXCOVIDTEST.ORG
Click here for flier.
And, help spread the word.
FREE Covid-19 Testing Offered in Mexia May 6th