Pick up free books for children from Freestone County Retired Teachers Saturday, October 26, from 10:00 – 12:00 at the Teague Parkfest located at Teague City Park. Choose from 1,400 plus fiction and nonfiction books from pre-school age through teen are available in a wide variety of subjects and interests.  Greeting  children will be a character from Paw Patrol.  Informative materials on protecting yourself from scams, fraud, etc. will be distributed.
More than 250 children in Freestone county will receive free book this year, thanks to local retired public school employees.  The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) recently announced this year’s Children’s Book Project, a statewide effort to place books into the hands of children who might not otherwise have their own.  “This is a fun undertaking, and as lifelong educators, we love encouraging children to read,”  said Carol Chappell, of the local TRTA unit.  “Reading fosters knowledge and opens up the imagination.  Every child should have books to call his or her own.”   The TRTA has sponsored the book drive every year since 1998. soliciting book donations from its own members and community partners.  Last year Freestone County Teachers gave away 1,516 books.
About TRTA:  The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is the nation’s largest organization of retired public school employees and seeks to advance the well-being of its members through community involvement and legislative advocacy efforts.  The association is always accepting new members; for more information on TRTA, its membership opportunities and projects in the community, visit  www.trta.org or call 800.880.1650 or locally at Freestone County Teachers Association by contacting Terry Dunlap, president of the local TRTA unit, at 903.388.2121.