Officials at Freestone Medical Center are proud to announce that COVID-19 testing is now available locally!

 “It seems like a decade since mid-March when COVID took over our lives” stated Freestone Chief Nursing Officer Nicki Hagen.  “Change became a constant, daily companion as all medical facilities struggled to cope with COVID-19”.

Testing for COVID-19 was initially limited to large, national reference laboratories.

  As testing ramped up, these testing facilities were overwhelmed with samples and patients were waiting up to the 14-day suggested quarantine period before getting test results.

In typical American fashion and ingenuity, the laboratory manufacturers immediately began “testing for a test” that would produce a viable and reliable test outcome.  Many early test methods failed to produce reliable outcomes.

  In just a few short months however, faster and more reliable testing has now made its way to Freestone County.

“We are now able to offer a swab test similar in speed and reliability to the annual flu swab,” according to Freestone Health Clinic Administrator John Stewart, “and results are usually available within 24 hours.” 

While everyone can now theoretically be tested, we are asking our community to remember that medical supplies are still limited nationwide.

  Only persons who are symptomatic (fever, headache, persistent cough, sore throat, GI distress, shortness of breath) are recommended for testing. 

Those persons who are exposed to a COVID-positive person may be tested after a few days or when they begin to show symptoms.

  If you have questions, please call 903-389-2181 to speak with one of our knowledgeable medical providers.

“We know this has been a particularly trying and difficult time for our community” stated Freestone Medical CEO, John Yeary.  “It’s been scary, confusing, frustrating and uncertain.

  We are very excited to be able to finally offer a local solution.

  We further ask for our community to understand that our supply chain is not unlimited and that FMC will continue to utilize its medical resources for those most in need.”

Again, if you feel you have COVID-related symptoms – fever, headache, persistent cough, sore throat, GI distress, shortness of breath – please call 903-389-2181 to speak with one of our medical team members.

  If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 or come directly to the Freestone Medical Emergency Room.

Submitted by Freestone Medical Center and Health Clinics.